Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ben's ruined day

Yesterday as we were on our way to school, there was a tractor type thing driving down the road.  You know how fast those things drive.  I decided that I was going to teach the boys to be positive and said to the boys, "This is not going to ruin my day."
Ben said, "It is gonna ruin mine."

Later we were on the interstate and there was an accident. I said to Ben, "This is not gonna ruin my day." And Ben said, "This is going to ruin my day."

Then we went to the grocery store and our favorite cereal was completely sold out.  I said, "This is not going to ruin my day."  Again Ben said, "This is gonna ruin my day."

When Max got home I was telling him about our day and how nothing ruined my day.  Ben piped in, "Nothing ruined my day either."  I thought for sure that he was going to say that his day was ruined by all of the things that had happened.  But I was very pleased that he followed my lead and did not let any of it ruin is day.

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