Friday, December 2, 2011

Children's Choir

I am so proud of my little man Max.  He came home from school today with an invitation to try out for the Colorado Springs Children's Choir.  I am so excited for him.  I asked him how many other kids in his class got the invites and he told me he was the only one.  That is so awesome.  I am so proud of him and excited to see him have the opportunity........then I saw the price.  It would cost us $275 for 6 months.  It seems like so much money when we are trying to pay off debt and then move to Florida.  Maybe there will be something once we move to have him join.

It is so thrilling to have him invited to do such an amazing thing.  What is so sad is that it costs so much money and might be cost prohibitive.  Grump. gotta take the good with the bad.  We will figure it out if he really wants to do it.

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