Monday, November 15, 2010

back to real life

Everyone up at 6:30 AM.  Breakfast, kids dressed and out the door.  Dropped Max off and then to Walgreens to pick up a few little things.  Drop Ben off at 9 AM.  Home to do dishes, laundry and make a grocery list.  Pick Ben up at 11 AM.  Grocery shopping for 2 hours (ugh).  Get home ready to put groceries away.  Too bad I had to rearrange the freezer to put it all in....once that was done, the pork tenderloin did not fit anymore.  So, out it came...had to go into the frig.  Then had to clean out the frig so it would fit in there to thaw.  As I cleaned out the frig, I found condiments in there that were dated 2008.  Guess I should have done that earlier...or at least paid attention to the dates.  Got that done about 2 PM.  Laid down for 30 minutes...then off to get Max.  Home to do  homework with Max.  Somewhere along the way, I put a bone out in my foot and then my SI joint.  Matt helped with dinner.  Boys finally went down at 7 PM.  Feels like the longest 12 1/2 hours in my life.

While I enjoyed my quiet time...this is my real life.

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